fidelina duclos fidelina duclos

La felicidad

Solo hay una causa de infelicidad:

las falsas creencias que tienes en tu cabeza, creencias tan extendidas que no se te ocurren cuestionar.

La sociedad nos dice cómo debemos vivir la vida para poder ser felices pero eso solo es un engaño, seremos felices cuando nosotros nos permitamos serlo.

Te has sentado a pensar que te hace feliz?

Tes has sentado ...y punto?

Has pensado...?

Vives tu vida bajo los valores de otros?

Tres cosas que te ayudaran a evaluar tu vida ...tu felicidad.

1. Sientate ( detente) .....

2.Respira....y deja que tu cuerpo se relaje.

3. Cierra los ojos y sigue respirando....Que descubres.. que sientes...?

Te sorprendiste por lo que sentiste?

Nos hemos acostumbrado a vivir en corre, corre, sin preguntarnos , si lo que vivimos es relamente lo que queremos hacer.

Ya es hora de crear tu propia historia no la de los demas....

Si te identificas con esto hablemos.


Be Transform

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fidelina duclos fidelina duclos

El Poder de decidir

El poder de decidir es algo que todos tenemos. No es exclusivo de nadie, sin embargo la mayoría de nosotros piensa que los eventos de la vida nos pasan sin nosotros tener ningún control en como se desarrollan . Es una creencia que se ha creado en nuestra cultura, familia y en nosotros mismos que nos deja a la merced de esos evento y nos quita el poder de cambiar nuestras vidas.

Si partimos de la primicia que todo es creado por nuestra mente y que nuestras emociones son dictadas por la manera como pensamos , por ende creamos nuestras acciones y los resultados basados en ello ,entonces se puede decir que SI tenemos el poder de decidir lo que nos pasa en la vida.

Valga la aclaración de que se reconoce que hay leyes naturales y siendo violadas pueden crear dificultades en nuestras vidas , pero la mayor parte del tiempo nosotros tenemos el control de lo que sucede en nuestras vidas debido a la decisiones que tomamos.

Desde el momento en que nos levantamos podemos elegir que tono puede tener nuestro dia.

Tres cosas que te pueden ayudar a marcar tu dia…

  1. Cuando te despiertes empieza a agradecer por lo que tienes y quieres tener.. eso te ayudara a ver lo positivo en tu vida

  2. Preguntate como puedes hacer tu dia mas ligero y productivo..

  3. Revisa tus emociones, como te sientes hoy y porque.. busca una razón para cambiar esa emoción … el agradecer te va a dar algunas razones

    Be transform

    Fidelina Duclos

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La autoconfianza es por definición la confianza en tus propias habilidades .

Autoconfianza es algo que se aprende y se perfecciona con la practica. No se nace con ella . Muchas veces hacemos cosas que no van de acuerdo con nosotros mismos, pero la hacemos porque otros nos dicen que debemos hacerlo. “No confiamos en nosotros”. Peor aun muchas veces dejamos de hacer cosas por miedo a lo que digan los demás, “No confiamos en nuestras habilidades”. Es importante entender que siempre va a ver alguien que opine acerca de tu conducta , de tus creencias y capacidad de hacer algo. No lo tomes personal sino cuestiona lo que esa persona dice . Has tu propio juicio de tu conducta y lánzate a hacer lo que entiendes es bueno para ti aun tengas miedo de hacerlo. La practica te hace mas confidente.

Be transform


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What comes to mind when you hear the word masterpiece? 

Maybe a sculpture, music, a painting?

If I am really honest I have to confess that the idea of being a masterpiece was not something that I always thought to be true. I like you have had good and bad experiences in life. 

About 7 years ago or so, I found myself focused on negative thoughts. I kept going back and forth to the same negative behaviors I wanted to change. I felt stuck and disempowered, wondering why I was not moving forward on my goals. I criticized myself a lot and would not see anything positive but all the negative I was doing.

I became fearful of my own abilities. I was blaming others for my inaction. It was as if I was existing not really living.

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It was an uncomfortable feeling, I didn’t want to have, but I was not sure how to get out of it. 
I didn’t want other people to know my racing thoughts.
So I tried really hard to change with little success.

I was doing that dance of 2 steps forward and 5 steps back every other month. 
So I decided to look for help and started to understand why I was not being effective with my goals. I was reminded of my own abilities and capacities. I started to open up and realized that I had all I needed to change inside of me because I was already perfect the way I was. I learned to not look at the negative in me but to focus on my inner potential.

I believe that you are the best masterpiece there is...
Created with a God-given purpose.

Be Transform


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Being Stuck


Today I woke up to a new awareness . I was feeling really overwhelm about my new business projects, personal relationships , and my health .

About my business projects, sometimes I feel that I am on a roll , ready to accomplish a lot, other times I feel that I am stuck with ideas but not action. In my personal relationships I find myself doing a lot for others , being compassionate and loving and other times feeling jealous, annoyed , and not wanting to be bother. With regard to my health , I also go from doing everything I can to be healthy, avoid the foods I am allergic to , exercising and drinking water ;to eating everything I find and being lazy about exercise .

So it sounds and sometimes feels that I am going crazy . Then I realized that these emotions are normal human experiences . That they don’t need to be judged just observed .

Observing our behavior with curiosity about where they come from and decide if we want to change them or not. So it is not being stuck it is just an experience. When we put labels on things we look for thoughts and behaviors that will confirm that label and that perpetuate the feeling.

So let’s experience our emotions with putting a label to it , let’s just relax in the human experience.

Be Transform


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Como te hablas a ti mismo?


La manera come te hablas a ti mismo , tiene mas impacto en tu vida que lo que otros dicen de ti.

Cuantas veces te fijas en las cosas negativas que te pasan ? cuantas veces te fijas en lo que no tienes? cuanto te obsesionas con lo que te falta o como luces?

Si eres como yo ,probablemente bastante. Cuando nos ponemos a pensar en todo aquello que nos falta o cosas negativas que nos pasan tendemos a criticarnos y decirnos cosas que nos disminuyen. Las comparaciones con otras personas , nos llevan a cuestionar nuestras capacidades. Pero la verdad es que todo esto es producto de nuestra mente. La manera en que pensamos acerca de nosotros la creamos en nuestra cabeza.

Todos tenemos la capacidad de cambiar como nos hablamos a nosotros mismos cuando cambiamos como pensamos acerca de nosotros. El cambiar nuestro pensamiento no es algo que no pasa en un dia sino que hay que trabajarlo todos los dias. Detente a pensar como te hablas a ti mismo y cuestiona de donde viene eso que te dices.

Empieza tu día enfocándote en lo que tienes , en lo que has logrado en tu vida, en lo que deseas crear para el futuro con la idea de alcanzarlo.

Cuando veas que puedes cambiar lo que piensas te darás cuenta que también puedes cambiar como te hablas a ti mismo.

Be transform


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Have you ever question your thoughts?

ohdeardrea palm trees.jpg

It’s very interesting how our thoughts seem to come out nowhere they just appear and we believe them like is something that has always been there so it must be true.

Understanding that I have a choice into what I think was such an eye-opening to me. Having control of what I think gives me the freedom to choose my thoughts, change negative ones for positive ones. I know it sounds hard since we have been used to believe our thoughts without much questioning, but I can assure you it’s worth the work.

Talking about work, we have heard time and time again that it takes 21 to 60 days and so forth to change a habit and the truth is that changing your thinking is a daily job. Why? Because our brain is used to old habits.

Creating healthy thoughts is like going to the gym or following a diet if you are not consistent you won’t see the results. Being aware is the first step for this change to happen. Once you are aware you can ask yourself if what you are thinking is serving you or needs to be changed.

Practice observing your thoughts, stop and question yourself, what am I thinking, where is it coming from, who told me that or where did I learn it?

You can write it down 

Be curious you will be amazed at what could come up.

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Ways to Help You Feel Better


There are several things I have learned to feel better when I am down:

  • The first one is to give my care on to God who knows everything. Doing that frees me from carrying the burden alone.

  • Another thing is to go out and help others. Helping others is so rewarding and there is so much need in the world. Bringing a smile or just plain listen to some else gives you a different perspective in life.

  • Journaling is another thing I like to do. Journaling helps me put my thoughts into paper and somehow let them out of my head.

  • Taking time for myself by reading a good book or walking outside. Reading either a novel or, self-help, or fiction keeps me engaged in other things freeing my head.

  • One last thing I like to do is spend time with positive people, either family or friends. I love my having a meaningful conversation as well as having a good laugh.

I hope these are helpful tips that will help you bring you up.

Be transformed,


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